Wollondilly AED Community Project

DJL Project Management are excited to share news about a new community project we are working on. We’ve teamed up with local businesses, Wollondilly Business Chamber and Wollondilly Shire Council to launch an initiative that’s going to help us purchase, install and register publicly available Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and raise awareness about where they are and how they use them.

What’s an AED and Why Does it Matter?

An AED is a life-saving device that can help restart someone’s heart if they go into sudden cardiac arrest. It’s the kind of thing that can make all the difference in a medical emergency as time is critical for preserving life in these cases. In an emergency, every second counts, and if you don’t know where the nearest AED is or how to use it, it can make all the difference between life and death. That’s why we’re getting involved.

What’s the Plan?

Here’s what were aiming to do with this project:

1) Register AEDs: We’re working with local businesses, organisations, and community centres to make sure every publicly available AED can be easily found when needed.

2) Spread the Word: We’re here to make sure everyone is aware of this initiative so they know they are available if/when they need it.

3) Building Community: This project isn’t about us - it’s about everyone coming together to make our area safer. By teaming up with Wollondilly Business Chamber and Wollondilly Shire Council, we’re creating something that will help all of us.

4) Sponsor and Install: Arrange the purchase and installation of more publicly available AEDs in the Wollondilly Community.

How Can You Get Involved?

If you’re a local business or community member that would like to sponsor the purchase, installation, or ongoing maintenance of an AED, please get in touch:


Why This Matters

Over 8,500 people experience an out of hospital cardiac arrest in NSW every year. Only 12% will survive. For every minute that passes after a person has a cardiac arrest, the chances of survival decreases. Quick action could save a life. (NSW Health).

The Wollondilly LGA is a rural landscape covering 35 townships across approximately 2,550 square kilometres. With a population of almost 60,000 people, this equates to 22 people per square kilometre (2023 data - not considering planned growth of the Wilton and Appin precincts). Wollondilly residents are spread out across the LGA, with minimal medical services and no hospital (major or minor) within the shire or within 30 minutes of the most populated townships.

An AED can greatly improve the survival rates of out of hospital cardiac arrest, but only if accessible and readily available for use, minutes from the incident.

Stay tuned for more updates as we roll this out, and feel free to reach out if you want to learn more or get involved!

About DJL Project Management

We’re a project management company that loves working on projects that make a difference in our community. Whether we’re helping build something new or driving awareness about important causes, we’re all about bringing people together for good. Let’s make things happen!


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